The Happy Company #6: Mental Health at Work

Let's Talk Mental Health at Work

If you follow me on LinkedIn, you may have noticed already: It’s Mental Health Awareness Month. So this round, we're diving into that crucial topic: mental health at work. Because let's face it, the daily grind can leave you feeling as drained as yesterday's coffee.

The Stats Don’t Lie:

  • A staggering 15% working adults estimated to have a mental disorder. (WHO)

  • Globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity. (WHO)

  • Women in full-time employment are nearly 2x as likely to have a common mental health problem as full-time employed men (19.8% vs 10.9%) (Mental Health Foundation)

  • 70% of managers believe there are ‘structural’ barriers to providing mental wellbeing support for their reports. (Spill)

Work: A Balancing Act:

A positive work environment can be a real source of joy and fulfillment. It can boost your confidence, give you a sense of purpose, and even foster valuable friendships. High fives all around! However, a toxic workplace with negativity and pressure can have a major negative impact on your mental health. Let's create positive work environments where everyone thrives.

Signs Your Job is Taking a Toll:

  • Feeling constantly stressed or anxious?

  • Struggling to focus and stay motivated?

  • Feeling like your work-life balance is a broken record on repeat?

These could be indicators that it's time to prioritize your mental well-being.

Taking Action for Your Well-being:

Here are some essential tips to keep your mental health lit:

  • Boundaries Matter: Set clear lines between work and personal life. Don't be afraid to switch off after hours and enjoy your free time! No shame in a bit of loud leaving.

  • Talk it Out: Don't bottle up your feelings. Confide in a trusted colleague, therapist, or friend. Talking can be incredibly helpful.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Make sleep, healthy eating, and activities you enjoy a priority. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

Leaders Take Note!

You have the power to create a culture of well-being in your team:

  • Open Communication is Key: Foster a safe space where your team feels comfortable talking about mental health challenges. It's okay not to be okay.

  • Offer Support: Provide resources and support for mental health. This could be access to employee assistance programs or mental health awareness workshops.

  • Be Flexible and Understanding: Life throws curveballs sometimes. Be flexible and understanding when needed.

A happy and healthy you is a more productive you. Let's all work together to create positive and supportive workplaces!

See you in the next one!



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